Whilst we constantly strive to provide a good, friendly and efficient service, we realise that occasionally things do not go as smoothly as we would like. We are always pleased to receive constructive criticism, so if you have any suggestions or are unhappy about any aspect of our service please bring it to the notice of the doctor and not the receptionists, or preferably, ask to make an appointment with the Business Manager or Assistant Practice Manager.
Formal complaints about any aspect of the service provided at The Medical Centre should be forwarded to the Complaints Manager in writing or you can ask to speak with a Complaints Manager who will try to resolve the complaint informally. All complaints received are dealt with according to the NHS complaints procedure.
Patients can also get help and advice about making a complaint from NHS England by telephone 0300 311 2233 or email england.contactus@nhs.net. Alternatively, you can contact Advocacy for All on 0845 832 0034 or email bexleynhscomplaints@advocacyforall.org.uk
The practice also has a suggestion box located in the waiting room. Patients are encouraged to make constructive suggestions on how the practice can help to empower patients to improve their health and any new services which might be useful. All suggestions raised will be discussed by the Patient Participation Group in consultation with the practice team and an amalgamated response to all suggestions raised will be issued on a bi-monthly basis.