The Partners
Dr Clive Anggiansah |
(Male) |
MBBS BSc MRCGP MRCP (Qualified 2002 - St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London) |
Dr Mehal Patel |
(Male) |
MB ChB MRCGP RCPCH DFSRH (Qualified 2005) |
Dr Jacqueline Lee |
(Female) |
MBBS BSc MRCGP MRCP (Qualified 2003) |
Dr Cressida Todd |
(Female) |
MBCHB MRCGP (Qualified 2010) |
Salaried GP
Dr Anna Morris |
(Female) |
MRCGP MBBS BSc (Qualified April 2004) |
Dr Louise Saanthanam |
(Female) |
Dr Kary Leggett |
(Female) |
MBBS MRCGP (2022 Hons) |
GP Registrars
Dr Derrick Athanas |
(Male) |
Dr Alex Anton |
(Male) |
Dr Ammar Ameen |
(Male) |
Dr Sinem Kilinc |
(Female) |
Dr Elliot Clissold |
(Male) |
Practice Pharmacist
Raj Heire |
(Female) |
Danielle Lobo |
(Female) |
ChB = Bachelor of Surgery
BSc Psy = Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
DFSRH = Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproduction Healthcare
DRCOG = Diploma of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
FPA = Certificate of Family Planning
MB = Bachelor of Medicine
MRCGP = Member of Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCP = Member of Royal College of Physicians
MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
RCPCH = Diploma in Child Health
Training Practice
The Lyndhurst Medical Centre is a training practice which means that we will have GP Registrars working at the surgery most of the time. We are also involved in the training of medical student doctors from hospitals.
The Reception Staff
We employ 10 part-time Receptionists, who will try in every way to help you.
Our Receptionists are fully trained, and are trying to do a difficult and demanding job, often working under extreme pressure.
Please remember the Receptionists carry out their duties, as instructed by the Clinical Staff, with the intention of making the Practice run safely and smoothly.
Therefore, if you seem to be asked any questions that you may find irritating or unnecessary or you have to be kept waiting, it is unintentional. Please try to help by giving the Receptionist the necessary information to help understand the urgency of the request.
The Nursing Team
We have three practice nurses in the surgery team, Ruth Morgan, Morenike Okunowo and Trudy Chambers, a Nurse Practitioner, Beverley Starbuck, an Advanced Care Practitioner, Hayley Tossell and two HCAs, Vicky Gambleton and Emma Paul, all of whom can be seen by appointment, morning and afternoon every weekday.
They are able to attend to many issues like dressings, remove stitches, check blood pressure and give injections.
They also run health screening clinics and can give advice on many health matters including cervical cytology tests.
Our nursing team's time is valuable. Please remember to cancel your appointment as soon as possible if it is no longer required, so that it can be offered to another patient. You can have an appointment to see one of the nursing team without seeing a doctor, but they may need to consult a doctor about your problem, if your condition requires it.
Blood tests are carried out at local hospitals and availability can be found by calling the number or using the link provided on your blood form. We also run a phlebotomy service at the surgery on Wednesday morning.
Please know that Urine and other test samples must be received at the surgery before 3.00pm, Monday to Friday.
The District Nurses: Telephone 020 3045 5159 (Central Booking)
Patients who are confined to their homes, and who need nursing assistance and/or provision of disability aids, may initially arrange with their Doctor for a Community Nurse to call.
The Health Visitors: Telephone 0300 330 5777 (option 1)
The 0 to 19 Children’s Public Health Service in the London Borough of Bexley is run by Bromley Healthcare. The Health Visitors are qualified nurses with midwifery experience, who have taken further training to obtain the Health Visiting Certificate. They are happy to give advice on health care, particularly for expectant mothers, babies, young children, the elderly and the handicapped. The Health Visitors are notified of births and visit from the 11th day after the birth. They maintain contact thereafter by further home visits. As advisors on child care and family problems, they work in the community with the family Doctors.
You may contact your Health Visitor by telephoning 0300 330 5777 (option 1).
The Midwife
All expectant mothers will be looked after by their Doctor and a Midwife.
The Business Manager and Practice Manager
Our Business Manager, Julia Weal, is responsible for the overall smooth running of the organisation. She is generally available from 9.00am to 3.00pm (except Mondays). She is assisted by Sarah Dodds, Practice Manager who is available 9.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Complaints about any aspect of the service provided at Lyndhurst Medical Centre should be forwarded to the Practice Manager or Business Manager in writing or Email. All complaints received are dealt with according to the NHS complaints procedure.
Other Members Of Our Team
The Practice could not function properly without the assistance of our secretarial and clerical support team. They are employed to carry out the many varied aspects of Practice administration that are essential to enable your GP to offer you a wider range of services.
All staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors and nurses.